

Looking for an efficient blast pot that fits a wide variety of (basic) blasting disciplines? Our Excellent Series offer you a wide range of professional possibilities at a well balanced budget.

As the abrasive metering valve only opens when blasting starts, the Excellent series waste no abrasives – as conventional blast pots do – with a costly, slow starting shot. Abrasive consumption is further more reduced by the precise abrasive metering possibilities.

    Powerful benefits

  • No slow abrasive starting shot
  • Reduced dust by wet/vapour blasting possibilities
  • Air (and water) cleaning/blowing off also possible
  • Easy adjustable pressure and abrasive amount settings

    Better blasting value

  • Wide choice in tankage varying from 18, 40, 60, 100, 160, 200 and 300 liter
  • Accurate metering valve for less use of abrasives and dust production
  • Meets most blasting needs because of extensive options
  • No pressure drop because of large pipework
  • (Spare) parts can be easily removed for quick maintenance

    Quality includes

  • Wear resistant metering valve handles all abrasives (also steel grits, fine aluminum oxide, etc.)
  • Separate main air valve makes for little wear and maintenance
  • No risk of abrasives entering the ‘air section’ because of separate decompression valve
  • Spray painted, galvanized and non-ferrous fittings
  • Completely safe according to European Directive 2014/68/EU

    Environmentally friendly

  • Less compressed air consumption means less compressor energy and CO2
  • Reduced waste and environmental pollution (dust) because of precise abrasive metering
  • Less energy needed to attain the required blasting pressure